Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Turkey: Documentary filmmaker and journalist arrested for “filming a police car” while recording in public space

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, journalists, and media executives for press freedom, today condemned the arrest of documentary filmmaker and journalist Sibel Tekin in Ankara, Turkey on the charges of “membership in a terrorist organization” following a complaint by prison guards that she filmed the official vehicle while recording early […]

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Belarus: 2022 ein weiteres katastrophales Jahr für die Medienfreiheit

In Belarus geht ein weiteres verheerendes Jahr für die Medienfreiheit zu Ende. Das International Press Institute (IPI) und unser globales Netzwerk verurteilen das nachhaltige Bestreben der Regierung, Journalisten strafrechtlich zu verfolgen, zu inhaftieren und anderweitig zum Schweigen zu bringen, als Teil einer breiteren Kampagne, die darauf abzielt, alle Formen von Dissens im Land zu beseitigen. […]

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Italy: New government must improve legal framework for media freedom

On 23 October 2022, the new Italian government led by Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni was appointed following the parliamentary elections in September, made up a far-right coalition formed by the League (Lega), Forward Italy (Forza Italia), and the Brothers of Italy (Fratelli D’Italia). The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins ARTICLE 19 Europe and members […]

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Belarus: 2022 another disastrous year for media freedom

As another devastating year for media freedom comes to a close in Belarus, the International Press Institute (IPI) and our global network today condemn the government’s relentless efforts at prosecuting, jailing and otherwise silencing journalists, as part of a wider campaign aimed at eliminating all forms of dissent in the country. In a little over […]

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