Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

IPI Feature: Censors at the gates – disquieting trends in the India media scene

The past two weeks have been a season of disquiet for the robust Indian media that has had a creditable record of helping to enforce accountability among public office holders by focussing on corruption.  This disquiet arises from three developments that are unrelated but which have the same effect of threatening to constrict media freedom. […]

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Council of Europe criticises Turkey

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined with the Council of Europe’s leadership in calling on Turkey to change its attitude toward media freedom. Reuters reported on Tuesday that the Council’s secretary general, Thorbjorn Jagland, said Turkey had approximately 16,000 cases pending before the European Court of Human Rights, 1,000 of which concerned media freedom. […]

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Indian TV station handed down excessively punitive fine for libel

Indian television channel Times Now has been handed down a fine of Rs. 1 billion (approx. 15 million euros) for mistakenly showing the picture of the wrong person during a news bulletin. As the television station appealed against the verdict, the court ruled that the appeal would be heard only after Times Now had deposited […]

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IPI/SEEMO join Macedonia mission

The International Press Institute (IPI) and its affiliate, the South and East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), today began a two-day press freedom mission to the Republic of Macedonia / Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, in concert with a joint delegation of freedom of expression and media development groups. IPI Press Freedom Adviser for Europe and […]

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