Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response briefings

Politicians behind recent attacks against Latin American Jjournalists

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned a recent series of physical and verbal attacks against journalists in Argentina, Honduras, and Panama allegedly at the hands of politicians. IPI Acting Deputy Director Anthony Mills said, “These alleged incidents underscore the reality that political figures are far too often behind attacks on the media in Latin […]

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IPI Focus: World Press Freedom Day 2012 – The story of Marcela Turati

Lea en español “My city finds itself in a state of panic. There is shooting everywhere. People see bodies in the streets. A curfew has been self-imposed. The drug traffickers have silenced our newspaper. We cannot publish anything because they threaten us: they have killed and kidnapped our colleagues. People are afraid and frustrated, understandably […]

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IPI Enfoque: Día de la Libertad de Prensa Mundial 2012 – La historia de Marcela Turati

Read in English “Mi ciudad se encuentra en estado de pánico pues hay balaceras fuertes en varios puntos de la ciudad, la gente ve cuerpos en las calles, se autoimpone toque de queda. Los narcos han silenciado nuestro periódico. No podemos publicar nada porque nos amenazan: nos han matado y secuestrado algunos colegas. La gente […]

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Mexican investigative reporter murdered

A Mexican investigative journalist working for a prominent national newsmagazine was found beaten and strangled to death in her home in the Veracruz state capital of Xalapa on Satuday, news reports said. Regina Martínez was the Veracruz correspondent for Proceso, a weekly publication considered to be one of the country’s leading sources for coverage of […]

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