Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

IPI urges Ukraine to reject move to re-criminalise defamation

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined an international chorus of voices urging Ukraine to reject moves to re-criminalise defamation. Reuters reported that deputies from President Viktor Yanukovych’s Party of Regions and their allies in parliament on Tuesday gave preliminary approval to a draft law that would provide for up to five years imprisonment for […]

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International Press Institute rügt Repressionen gegen Journalisten in Weißrussland

Read this article in English Einem Bericht der ZDF-Korrespondentin Anne Gellinek auf zufolge gehen die Behörden in Weißrussland mit Gewalt gegen Journalisten vor, die über die bevorstehenden Parlamentswahlen berichten wollen. Ihr selbst sei ein Visum verweigert worden, um sie an der Arbeit zu hindern. Mitarbeiter ihres Teams seien bei Fernsehaufnahmen von jungen Oppositionellen zu […]

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In Guyana, unease over new broadcasting authority

Less than a month after its mandate came into effect, Guyana’s new National Broadcasting Authority (NBA) is facing criticism for its domination by members with links to the ruling party, none of whom apparently have substantive experience in broadcasting. Guyana’s broadcasting board, established by last year’s Broadcast Act, will have the authority to grant—and revoke—spectrum […]

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Ten Colombian journalists threatened with death over interview

At least 10 journalists in the northern Colombian city of Santa Marta were threatened with death after disseminating an interview in which a jailed former paramilitary commander alleged links between his organisation and local politicians, news reports said. The commander, Jesús Gelves Albarracín, known as “El Canoso”, was interviewed on Sept. 7 by journalist Alejandro […]

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