Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

IPI releases Ecuador mission report

The International Press Institute (IPI) today released a report on its May 2012 press freedom mission to Ecuador, stating that the nation’s private media outlets are being targeted by the government of President Rafael Correa. The nearly 30-page report enumerates diverse tactics directed at the private press by the Correa administration, including the pursuit of legal […]

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Grenada abolishes criminal defamation

The International Press Institute (IPI) today warmly congratulated Grenada on becoming the first Caribbean state to decriminalise defamation, but urged the Grenadian government to further abolish seditious libel. According to Grenada’s Ministry of Legal Affairs, a July reform to the country’s criminal code included the repeal of Section 252, which regulated “negligent” and “intentional” libel. […]

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IPI Special Report: Criminal defamation laws remain widespread in the Caribbean

Where in the Caribbean can journalists be sent to prison for doing their job? The answer: Everywhere. A comprehensive legal review conducted by the International Press Institute (IPI) confirmed that every independent state considered geographically or culturally part of the Caribbean maintains some form of criminal defamation that could result in imprisonment.   Of those 16 […]

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IPI releases Caribbean mission report

The International Press Institue (IPI) today released a final report on its June mission to four Caribbean countries, cautiously welcoming progress in three of them toward the repeal of criminal defamation and insult laws but urging political leaders to remain committed to reform. During the nearly two-week long mission, IPI delegates met with representatives of government, […]

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