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In France, judicial evolution in defamation cases protects work of civil society

“Flabbergasting”. It was the only word one French police agent could find to describe the riches seized in a Feb. 2012 raid on an €80 million Paris apartment belonging to Teodorin Obiang (Jr.), son of Equatorial Guinea’s long-serving dictator. Millions (upon millions) of euros worth of wine, art, and furniture—all, according to the French NGOs […]

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2014 Busek-SEEMO Award winners announced

The Vienna-based South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), has announced that Željka Lekić-Subašić, head of the Eurovision News Exchange for South East Europe (ERNO), is the winner of the 2014 Dr. Erhard Busek – SEEMO Award for Better Understanding in South East Europe. In addition, Nenad Šebek, […]

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Judge rules to move case against journalists in Bolivia to Press Tribunal

In a welcome development in Bolivia last month, a judge ruled that criminal charges of espionage, complicity and disclosure of state secrets against two journalists be dropped and the case be moved to the country’s Press Tribunal. On May 7, Ricardo Aguilar, a journalist with the Bolivian daily La Razón, and Claudia Benavente, the newspaper’s […]

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New Telecommunications Law in Mexico endangers press freedom

In July of this year, Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto signed into law a new regulatory framework for the country’s telecommunications sector (Ley de Telecomunicaciones y Radiodifusión, “Broadcasting and Telecommunciations Act”). The legislation was designed to put into practice a 2013 constitutional reform that, according to the Mexican government, aimed to increase competition in a historically […]

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