Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Amenazados de muerte cuatro periodistas dominicanos en un acto público

El Instituto Internacional de la Prensa (IPI, por sus siglas en inglés) quiere expresar su solidaridad con los cuatro periodistas de la República Dominicana amenazados de muerte y pide a la justicia del país que actúe para que este tipo de episodios no se vuelvan a repetir e invita al Gobierno a que investigue el caso.

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Online abuse an increasing press freedom threat

Social media has proved to be an inestimably valuable tool for freedom of expression around the world, and more specifically in repressive countries, where it has become the only sphere where critics can raise their voice. As Bahrain human right activist Nabeel Rajab recently told IPI, speaking on the press freedom situation in his country: […]

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Political cartoon draws scrutiny from Ecuador media regulator

The International Press Institute (IPI) today urged regulators in Ecuador to drop proceedings that could leave a newspaper forced to issue seven consecutive days of apologies and facing possible future fines of nearly $500,000, all due to a single political cartoon satirising a lawmaker from President Rafael Correa’s party. Ecuador’s Superintendence of Information and Communication […]

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Dutch journalist faces prison in Turkey over online comments

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern over reports that Dutch journalist Fréderike Geerdink could face up to five years in prison in Turkey on accusations that she spread terrorist propaganda on social media. The case reportedly stems from comments the Turkey-based freelance journalist posted on social media and on a blog promoting the […]

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