Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Jordanian news site, threatened with closure, reflects on license requirement

Nearly two years have passed since Jordanian authorities blocked over 200 websites for failing to obtain a license in accordance with a then-recent amendment to the country’s Press and Publications Law. The amendment requires online news sites to be licensed to operate as such and to have an editor affiliated with the Jordan Press Association, […]

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IPI urges Denmark to reconsider decision to keep blasphemy law

Denmark should set an example on freedom of expression by repealing its criminal defamation and blasphemy laws, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Danish Justice Minister Mette Frederiksen announced at the end of February that the government would not seek repeal of the country’s blasphemy law. Art. 140 of the Danish Criminal Code punishes […]

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Italian journalist given prison sentence for defamation

An Italian court ruling sentencing the editor of a news website to nine months in prison for defaming a public prosecutor is grossly disproportionate and violates European standards on freedom of expression, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Roberto D’Agostino, founder of the site Dagospia, was convicted in late February of defaming a Genoa […]

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Spate of recent journalists’ deaths highlights ongoing danger

The recent deaths of four journalists in four countries over four days illustrates not only the continuing danger that journalists face across the globe, but the need to protect their safety and fundamental rights and end impunity for crimes against them, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Journalists died in Brazil and Ukraine, respectively, on […]

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