Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Following arrests, IPI calls on China to allow journalists to work freely

The IPI global network strongly condemns the arrest and assault of British journalist Edward Lawrence and the detention of Swiss journalist Michael Peukur by Chinese authorities this week. We call on the Chinese authorities to respect the right of journalists to cover public protests and other matters of public interest and to ensure the safety […]

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Turkey: Kurdish journalist Nedim Türfent released after spending 6.5 years in prison

The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, journalists, and media executives, welcomes the release of Kurdish journalist Nedim Türfent today after he spent 6.5 years in prison for reporting on Turkish security forces’ ill-treatment of Kurdish workers in 2016. Turkey must compensate Türfent for the severe injustice in this case and must stop jailing […]

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Interview: Europe’s draft media freedom law: Strengths and weaknesses

(Text below produced by Whitehouse Communications) In mid-September 2022, the European Commission unveiled its draft proposal for the European Media Freedom Act (EMFA), a flagship new legislative initiative intended to protect media pluralism and independence in the European Union. According to the Commission, the EMFA seeks to respond to growing concerns over malign foreign influence, […]

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Italy: PM Meloni urged to drop defamation lawsuit against newspaper Domani

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins the undersigned organisations in calling for the filed against the newspaper Domani by Italy’s new Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni to be dropped and for the Italian Parliament to adopt a comprehensive reform of the country’s defamation laws. We note with concern that this is not the first time […]

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