Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

#IPIWoCo Recap: Speech of World Press Freedom Hero Carmen Aristegui

The International Press Institute (IPI) is today publishing the speech given by Mexican journalist Carmen Aristegui as she accepted the IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero award at IPI’s 2023 World Congress in Vienna on May 25, 2023. Leer el discuro en español. Good evening. Thank you to the members of the IPI/IMS jury for this […]

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#IPIWoCo Recap: Awarding resilience and courage in journalism

This year’s IPI World Congress award ceremony celebrated resilience and courage in journalism. Prominent Mexican investigative reporter Carmen Aristegui was awarded the 2023 IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero award, honouring her decades of fearless reporting on corruption in Mexico despite targeted efforts to silence her. News site Myanmar Now received the 2023 IPI-IMS Free Media […]

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Serbia: Fresh attacks and smears on media raise threat level

The International Press Institute (IPI) today renews our serious concerns about the safety of journalists in Serbia, where independent media houses and their reporters face an intensifying and toxic climate of smear campaigns and political pressure directed by the government and public officials. On 30 May, the private premises of the broadcaster N1 in the […]

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#IPIWoCo Rückblick: Auszeichnung für Resilienz und Mut im Journalismus

Read in English Mit den diesjährigen Preisverleihungen des IPI-Weltkongresses wurden Resilienz und Mut im Journalismus gewürdigt. Die prominente mexikanische Enthüllungsreporterin Carmen Aristegui wurde mit dem IPI-IMS World Press Freedom Hero Award 2023 ausgezeichnet. Damit würdigten IPI und IMS ihre jahrzehntelange unerschrockene Berichterstattung über Korruption in Mexiko, trotz gezielter Bemühungen, sie zum Schweigen zu bringen. Die Nachrichtenseite Myanmar Now erhielt den […]

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