Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Broadcasters’ offices stormed in Yemen

Yemeni authorities seized broadcasting equipment from the offices of two pan-Arab broadcasters on Thursday 11 March over accusations of exaggerated news coverage of the protest movement in southern Yemen. According to the Yemeni national news agency, Saba, an official source in the Ministry of Information claims the satellite broadcasting equipment of Al Jazeera and Al […]

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Following reports of further attacks on journalists, IPI sends open letter to Ghana president

The International Press Institute (IPI) today wrote an open letter to Ghanaian President Atta Mills, calling on him to ensure that attacks on journalists in the West African country are promptly investigated, and that the perpetrators are brought to justice. In recent weeks, a number of incidents of violence against journalists – often allegedly at […]

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British journalist freed in Gaza

British freelance journalist Paul Martin was released on Thursday after being held for 26 days in Gaza Central Prison. Martin was arrested on Sunday 14 February while attending the trial of Hamas militant Mohammed Abu Muaileq, who is on trial for collaborating with the Israeli army during the January 2009 conflict with Hamas militants in […]

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Abductors free sports journalists in Nigeria

Kidnappers have freed two sports journalist who were being held for ransom in Nigeria, according to news reports. Nick Greyling, a South African sound engineer, and Nigerian sports commentator Bowie Attamah, were abducted along with cameraman Alexander Effiong on 1 March while travelling to an airport in Owerri city near the Niger Delta region, an […]

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