Latest News and Monitoring from Media Freedom Rapid Response

Biden must raise press freedom issues during Modi state visit

The IPI global network calls for U.S. President Joe Biden to prioritize press freedom issues in India while he hosts Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi this week. The alarming deterioration of press freedom in India must be halted, and Biden must make tackling these issues at home and abroad a priority.  Modi is in the […]

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#IPIWoCo Recap: Cybercrime laws: A new frontline for press freedom

With the abuse of cybercrime laws to target journalists on the rise globally, states must ensure that a planned U.N. cybercrime treaty does not undermine freedom of expression, a panel of experts said at the 2023 IPI World Congress and Media Innovation Festival. Cybercrime laws are increasingly being used to criminalize a wide scope of […]

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IPI condemns recent internet shutdowns and mobile network disruptions in Mauritania, Guinea, and Senegal

The IPI global network condemns the recent ordering of network disruptions and internet shutdowns by governments Mauritania, Guinea, and Senegal, where access to the internet has been either partially or completely restricted in recent months amid public protests. Internet shutdowns are a disproportionate restriction on the public’s right to access to information, including during times […]

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IPI Africa Monitoring: May 2023: Two journalists killed in Lesotho and Cameroon, attacks on journalists continue in Somalia

  IPI monitoring of press freedom violations in May noted the escalation of attacks on journalists in Somalia. A total of 49 incidents of press freedom violations were documented across 18 countries with the highest number of incidents occurring  in Somalia.  One example of such attacks took place on  May 1, 2023 when three journalists […]

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