Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

IPI welcomes announced pardon of Swedish journalists in Ethiopia

The International Press Institute welcomed early reports that two Swedish journalists who have spent more than a year in an Ethiopian prison are to be pardoned, according to news reports. Freelancer Martin Schibbye and photojournalist Johan Persson were arrested in July 2011 while travelling with rebels in the Ogaden region of Ethiopia, where separatist insurgents […]

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Indian cartoonist arrested on sedition charges

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the arrest in India of a political cartoonist for sedition following a private complaint over cartoons he produced for an anti-corruption campaign. IPI sources said that Indian political cartoonist Aseem Trivedi was remanded to judicial custody in Mumbai today, and is scheduled be held until at least Sep. […]

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OP-ED: Criminal defamation laws in the Caribbean are ripe for repeal

Early this year, Dominican journalist Johnny Alberto Salazar was sentenced to six months in jail for slander and libel. The charges stemmed from Salazar’s on-air comments accusing Pedro Baldera, a local Human Rights Committee official, of “protecting delinquents and people linked to organised crime.” Salazar, an elected council member and well-known local gadfly, said prior […]

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IPI condemns journalist killings in Tanzania and The Philippines

Two journalists were reportedly killed over the last week, in Tanzania and in the Philippines, according to news reports. The International Press Institute (IPI) condemned the killings and called for full investigations into the circumstances of their deaths. In Tanzania, Channel Ten reporter Daudi Mwangosi was allegedly killed by police on Sunday while covering a […]

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