Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Indian Supreme Court permits gag orders

The Supreme Court of India on Tuesday refrained from framing guidelines for the media for coverage of court proceedings but declared that the courts could, if necessary for the administration of justice, prohibit publication of any part of proceedings for a temporary period. The court said such postponement orders could be passed keeping in mind […]

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Bolivian mayor verbally attacks media, again

Defying international criticism, the mayor of Bolivia’s largest city renewed his verbal assault on the media on Monday, repeatedly belittling a photographer whom he then drove out of a public press conference. Santa Cruz mayor Percy Fernández reportedly called Enrique Canedo, of El Deber, an “ass” with a “stupid face” and said, “I’d like to […]

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IPI Turkish National Committee: ‘Journalism is on trial’

The head of the International Press Institute (IPI)’s Turkish National Committee yesterday told those gathered outside an Istanbul courthouse where proceedings began against 44 journalists accused of supporting terrorism that “In this legal case, journalism is on trial”. Milliyet columnist Kadri Gürsel made the statement in remarks delivered on behalf of the National Committee, which […]

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IPI concerned at journalist detentions in the Gambia

The International Press Institute expressed its concern over the arrest of two Gambian journalists reported by journalists and local media over the weekend. Babucarr Ceesay and Abubacarr Saidykhan were detained by police on either Thursday or Friday, depending on reports, shortly after filing an application at the station to demonstrate against the recent execution of […]

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