Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Egypt set to enshrine press freedom confusion in new Constitution

The 234 articles of Egypt’s new draft constitution have been approved by the country’s constituent assembly, and the charter will now be voted on by the public in a referendum. Proponents have hailed the arrival of a constitution they say enshrines the values of the revolution, but when it comes to journalists’ rights, observers fear […]

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Leveson report recommends new self-regulatory system for the press in the UK

The report on the public inquiry into the practices of UK newspapers led by Lord Justice Leveson was released yesterday, amid ardent criticism of what some observers interpreted as a door-opener for stricter, statutory regulation of the press. In a speech accompanying his presentation of the report, Leveson noted that “the press, operating freely and […]

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Turkish journalist freed after 3 years in prison

The International Press Institute (IPI) today welcomed news that journalist and publisher Bedri Adanir, who had been imprisoned in Turkey for nearly three years, has been released. A court in Diyarbakir on Tuesday ordered Adanir, owner of Aram Publishing and a writer for Kurdish daily newspaper Hawar, freed after convicting him of aiding a terrorist […]

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Italian Senate rejects proposal that would retain imprisonment for libel

The International Press Institute (IPI) today urged Italy to decriminalise defamation after the country’s Senate rejected a measure that would have retained imprisonment as a possible penalty for the offence. The Senate’s 123-29 vote yesterday reversed its approval earlier this month of an amendment to existing law that would have seen journalists convicted of libel […]

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