Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Bangladeshi journalist arrested

The International Press Institute (IPI) expressed concern about the arrest of Bangladeshi editor Mahmudur Rahman. Rahman was arrested on Thursday, Apr. 11, on the premises of the Bengali-language pro-opposition newspaper Amar Desh, of which he is currently the acting editor. According to reports by AP, charges brought against Rahman include sedition, cyber-crimes as well as […]

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Mexican police discover body of crime reporter outside of Oaxaca

The International Press Institute (IPI) called on Mexican federal authorities to immediately and thoroughly investigate the murder of a crime reporter in the state of Oaxaca. According to Mexican media reports, Oaxaca police discovered the body of Alberto López Bello, a crime reporter for the regional newspaper El Imparcial, alongside that of Alejandro Franco, an […]

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Italian newspaper receives explosive device

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the apparent attempted bombing of an Italian newspaper’s offices this week. La Stampa’s offices in Turin received a package containing a cloth compact disc carrier with explosive powder, cables and a detonator inside. The device did not explode when opened Tuesday, but investigators reportedly said it was capable […]

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Australian journalists ordered to reveal their sources

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern at Australia’s attempt to force journalists to reveal their sources – an act that contravenes a fundamental journalistic right. Five Australian journalists – Fairfax Media reporters Adele Ferguson, Richard Baker, Nick McKenzie and Philip Dorling and The West Australian’s Steve Pennells – were served subpoenas last month […]

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