Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Daily Monitor, other media outlets re-open in Uganda after 10-day police occupation

The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomed the news that four Ugandan media outlets were allowed to re-open in the capital Kampala after 10 days of police occupation, protest, and physical confrontations between journalists and press freedom organisations on the one hand, and the police on the other. IPI urges the Ugandan government to respect the rights […]

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Section of India’s Information Technology Act threatens free speech

The recent arrest of a lawyer in India’s Andhra Pradesh state over a Facebook post has added to the controversy surrounding a section of the country’s Information Technology Act, which has been used to punish social media users critical of the government. The incident highlights the need for the world’s largest democracy to guard against […]

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IPI/CDFJ delegation meets with Jordan’s king

A joint delegation from the International Press Institute (IPI) and the Jordan-based Center for Defending Freedom of Journalists (CDFJ) met with the king of Jordan last week following the close of IPI’s annual World Congress in Amman, Jordan. In the meeting Thursday with King Abdullah II, IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel McKenzie, IPI Executive Board […]

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Louisiana seeks to muzzle reports on gun permits

Journalists could face up to six months in prison and a $10,000 fine for reporting information about concealed handgun permits in Louisiana under a proposed law that appears headed to the state’s governor for signing. Louisiana’s Senate on Tuesday voted 33-2 in favour of the bill, which would make it illegal for journalists or members […]

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