Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Spain’s Public Security Law: overview of challenges

Lea este artículo en español Introduction Among the issues that concern freedom of expression activists in Spain are several changes to legislation, most specifically a new Public Security Law (Ley Orgánica de Protección de la Seguridad Ciudadana) (nicknamed “the gag law” – ley mordaza – by its critics) and changes to the Penal Code, both […]

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Judge grants bail to arrested Zambian journalists

A Zambian judge today granted bail to The Post editor Fred M’membe and Post journalist Mukosha Funga, local sources have informed the International Press Institute (IPI). M’membe and Funga are now scheduled to appear again in court for an initial hearing on August 17, according to Ernest Chanda, executive secretary of the Press Freedom Committee […]

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Polish rights ombudsman criticises criminal defamation

The Polish Ombudsman has criticised the possibility of imprisonment under Poland’s criminal defamation law, calling it a potential “constraint on public debate and the freedom of the press”. In an interview with the International Press Institute (IPI), the Ombudsman, Prof. Irena Lipowicz, said the following about the possibility of imprisonment set forth in Art. 212 […]

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Zambian journalists arrested under state secrecy law

The International Press Institute (IPI) strongly condemns the arrests this morning of Zambian editor and IPI World Press Freedom Hero Fred M’membe and journalist Mukosha Funga. Local sources informed IPI that Zambian police arrested M’membe, editor-in-chief of The Post, and Funga, a Post reporter, on charges of publishing classified information in violation of the State […]

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