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IPI German Committee: Treason affair has strengthened press freedom in Germany

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auf Deutsch The German National Committee of the International Press Institute (IPI) said today that press freedom in Germany had been strengthened by events in connection with the investigation of two journalists from the website on suspicion of treason. Following vigorous protests against the launching of the investigation, the public […]

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IPI Deutsches Kommittee: Landesverrats-Affäre hat Pressefreiheit in Deutschland gestärkt

Read this article in English Das Deutsche Nationalkomitee des International Press Institute IPI sieht die Pressefreiheit in Deutschland durch die Vorgänge im Zusammenhang mit dem Ermittlungsverfahren wegen Landesverrats gegen zwei Journalisten von gestärkt. Nach heftigen Protesten gegen die Einleitung des Ermittlungsverfahrens wurde das die Pressefreiheit tangierende Vorgehen des Generalbundesanwalts vom Bundesjustizminister gestoppt, der Generalbundesanwalt […]

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IPI World Press Freedom Hero Mazen Darwish released from prison

Renowned Syrian journalist Mazen Darwish, the International Press Institute’s (IPI) 2015 World Press Freedom Hero, was freed today after spending nearly three-and-a-half years behind bars in his home country on spurious terrorism charges. Yara Bader, Mazen’s wife and the director of the Syrian Centre for Media Freedom (SCM), the organisation founded by Darwish in 2004 to protect […]

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IPI slams prosecution of Turkish papers over coverage of hostage drama

A criminal case claiming that journalists’ coverage of a deadly March 31 hostage drama in an Istanbul courthouse amounted to spreading propaganda for a terrorist organisation should be dropped immediately, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Turkish media reported last week that prosecutors had prepared an indictment seeking prison terms of up to 7.5 […]

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