Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Press freedom in Spain in 2020: Coronavirus and five years of the ‘gag laws’

2020 has been, once again, a bad year for freedom of information in Spain: not only has there been no relevant legislative progress, despite the change of government, but serious incidents have also occurred. The coronavirus pandemic has had, also in this country, a negative impact on press freedom, mainly due to the very serious […]

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Spanish political parties urged to strengthen free expression

The next Spanish government should repeal a controversial public security law and restore independence to the country’s public broadcaster, a group of international press freedom organisations said in a report released today.

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South East Europe Media Forum opens in Bucharest

The South East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO) is pleased to announce today’s opening of the IX South East Europe Media Forum (SEEMF), bringing together regional media CEOs, editors-in-chief, leading journalists, business professionals and governmental and NGO representatives to discuss the topic “Media in South East Europe – the Struggle for Success on the Web”. The […]

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España: Los partidos políticos deben reforzar la libertad de expresión

El próximo Gobierno español debería derogar la controvertida Ley de Seguridad Ciudadana y recuperar la independencia de la RTVE, según un informe elaborado por un grupo de organizaciones internacionales defensoras de la libertad de prensa que se ha publicado hoy.

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