Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Yet another journalist murdered in the Philippines

IPI deplores the murder of radio journalist Godofredo Linao, who was gunned down in Barobo City, in the Surigao Del Sur province, during the early hours of Monday 27 July 2009. Linao’s murder brings the number of journalists killed in the Philippines this year to four, further entrenching the country’s position as one of Asia’s […]

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Philippines journalists’ death toll goes up to 21

The number of journalists confirmed dead in the massacre that took place in the Philippines’ southern province of Maguindanao last Monday had grown to 21 by 6 p.m. today, the Manila-based Centre for Media Freedom and Responsibility (CMFR) told IPI earlier this evening. A total of 34 journalists are believed to have been part of […]

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Three more Somali journalists lose their lives in Mogadishu violence

Three journalists were killed today in an explosion that rocked a hotel in a government-controlled quarter of the Somali capital, Mogadishu, where a graduation ceremony for Banadir University was taking place. Mohamed Amin Adam Abdulle, of Radio Shabelle, and Hassan Zubeyr Haji Hassan, a cameraman for Al-Arabiya TV were both killed in the blast, the […]

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Nigerian journalist shot dead after opening door to killers

The assistant news editor of Nigerian daily The Guardian, Bayo Ohu, was shot dead at home by a group of up to five gunmen on Sunday morning as he was preparing to go to a church service. The killers fired at least eight bullets into him, after he opened the door to them, news reports […]

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