Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

In Depth: Greek libel reforms only first step toward greater press freedom

In December 2015, Greek lawmakers approved wide-reaching reforms to the country’s Press Law, popularly known as the “press killer”, that aimed to better protect press freedom and combat the ease with which Greek journalists could be taken to court for defamation. Few would deny that the reforms were a much-needed step toward combating and reducing […]

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Al Jazeera journalist marks 100 days behind bars in Egypt

The International Press Institute (IPI) today renewed its call on Egypt to immediately free Al Jazeera journalist Mahmoud Hussein, who on Wednesday will spend his 100th day in detention. Hussein, an Egyptian national based in Doha, Qatar, was detained by Egyptian authorities on Dec. 20, when he entered the country on holiday to see his […]

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Q&A: Hungary rights defender on criminal libel repeal

Earlier this month, the International Press Institute (IPI) released a comprehensive study highlighting ways in which Hungary’s civil defamation laws present obstacles to the coverage of political affairs. While those findings add yet another dimension to Hungary’s press freedom challenges, focus in recent times has rightly been on the abuse of Hungary’s criminal defamation laws, […]

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IPI condemns Spain police threats against news site

Leer en español The International Press Institute (IPI) today strongly condemned threats made by police officials against a journalist with the Spanish news site Público after the site revealed alleged corruption implicating members of law enforcement and it called on authorities to launch a comprehensive investigation. Público this week published recordings of telephone conversations in […]

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