Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

IPI urges Spain to free journalist held on Turkey warrant

Spain should immediately release a dual Turkish-Swedish writer and journalist arrested in Barcelona on an Interpol warrant issued by Turkey, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today, calling it “a troubling new nadir in the Turkish government’s ongoing efforts to criminalise journalism”. Authorities detained Hamza Yalçin, 59, on Aug. 3 at Barcelona’s airport as he […]

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Hong Kong media sees trouble as China tightens grip

Journalists in Hong Kong are voicing concern over the deteriorating state of press freedom in the special administrative region, lamenting growing mainland influence through ownership of traditional media outlets, an increase in self-censorship and attacks on journalists. While various independent online publications have been founded in the past few years to counter these concerns, digital-only […]

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Guyana broadcast bill said to threaten press freedom

The government of Guyana should address serious concerns raised by local media groups over pending amendments to the country’s broadcast law, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. Local critics say the amendments, passed on Friday by Guyana’s National Assembly and now awaiting the signature of President David A. Granger, grant the state “unwarranted” power to manage the […]

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Israel seeks to close Al Jazeera bureau, pull credentials

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned the Israeli government’s announcement that it plans to revoke media credentials of Al Jazeera journalists, close the Qatar-based network’s office in Jerusalem and pull its broadcasts from local cable and satellite providers. Communications Minister Ayoub Kara said yesterday that the moves were aimed at bolstering Israel’s security and “to bring a […]

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