Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

The Outlook: How news organizations can leverage short-form video

This text comes from IPI’s newsletter The Outlook. Click here to sign up to receive future editions direct to your inbox. This is The Outlook, IPI’s media innovation newsletter, where we take a look at tools and strategies for innovation, and learn from newsrooms that are implementing them. The IPI Media Sustainability Team is fresh from […]

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Azerbaijan: IPI sends letter to authorities demanding release of imprisoned journalists

On Monday, November 20, as IPI reported, authorities in Azerbaijan detained Ulvi Hasanli, the director of independent online outlet Abzas Media. Soon after, Abzas Media’s editor-in-chief, Sevinc Vaqifqizi, was arrested. Mahammad Kekalov, an activist who had published for the outlet, was detained on Wednesday. All three were placed in pre-trial detention for a period of […]

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Kashmir: IPI welcomes release of journalist Fahad Shah

The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomes the release this week of Kashmir journalist Fahad Shah after nearly two years in prison on terrorism charges. We call on authorities to drop all remaining charges against him and for an end to the repression of journalists in Kashmir. IPI also welcomes a court decision this month nullifying […]

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North Macedonia: Ruling against Investigative Reporting Lab and its editor must be overturned

The International Press Institute (IPI) joins the organisations of the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) and the SafeJournalists Network (SJN) in expressing dismay at a recent defamation verdict by a judge in North Macedonia which recommends shutting down one of the country’s leading investigative media outlets and expects this damaging ruling to be swiftly overturned […]

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