Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Israel: IPI demands accountability for killing of journalists Hamza Al Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya in Gaza

The IPI global network demands full accountability for the killing of freelance journalists Hamza Al Dahdouh and Mustafa Thuraya in an apparent targeted attack by Israeli forces in southern Gaza on Sunday. The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) has acknowledged responsibility for the attack, claiming that it had targeted what it said was a terrorist who […]

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IJ4EU rebooted: €2M in grants for cross-border journalism in Europe

IJ4EU returns for a fifth edition with €2 million in grants for cross-border investigations in Europe Open to journalists in more countries than ever Grants of up to €50,000 plus training, mentoring and legal help New tools to help reporters collaborate across borders First call for applications opens on February 1, 2024 The IJ4EU fund […]

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Global attacks on press freedom demand action and resilience

We end 2023 on a dire note for journalists and press freedom. At least 65 journalists have been killed in Israeli airstrikes and ground raids since the start of the Israel-Gaza war just under three months ago. This is the largest number of journalists killed in such a short span of time in any modern […]

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Independence through sustainability: Innovation highlights from IPI in 2023

To receive regular updates on IPI’s media innovation work, and case studies from our global network, sign up to our newsletter The Outlook. Independent media outlets are up against challenges ranging from low public trust to unstable revenue models, and they are vulnerable to political and technological changes – of which there have been many […]

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