Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Right to information suffers further in Romania during pandemic

Zur deutschen Version In Romania, the right to access information is often an intricate affair for journalists and citizens alike. Testimonies written in the Bucharest and regional-based press depict arbitrary refusals from authorities to release the requested data, unjustified delays and convoluted bureaucratic procedures that often end up in court. The implications for fair and timely […]

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Cambodia cyber-crime law will stifle press freedom

Cambodia’s current draft cyber-crime law would severely undermine press freedom, the International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, said today, urging the government to hold consultations with media organizations and journalists groups before moving ahead. According to information received by IPI, the draft provides for […]

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Recht auf Information leidet in Rumänien während Pandemie weiter

Read in English In Rumänien ist das Recht auf Zugriff auf Informationen oft eine komplizierte Angelegenheit für Journalisten und Bürger gleichermaßen. Zeugenaussagen in der Bukarester und der regionalen Presse beschreiben willkürliche Verweigerungen der Behörden, die angeforderten Daten freizugeben, ungerechtfertigte Verzögerungen und verworrene bürokratische Verfahren, die oft vor Gericht enden. Die Auswirkungen auf eine faire und […]

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Gun attack on car marks latest intimidation of Kosovo journalist

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today condemned a shooting attack on the car of a journalist in Kosovo and called for a swift investigation by law enforcement authorities. At around midnight on Sunday, October 18, five or six bullets were fired at […]

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