Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Myanmar: IPI condemns torturing and killing of journalist in military custody

IPI demands accountability for the killing of Myanmar journalist Myat Thu Tan, who was shot and killed while in military custody in the town of Mrauk-U, in western Rakhine, on January 31. Myat Thu Tan was a contributor for the local media outlet Western News as well as the Democratic Voice of Burma. He previously […]

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Ethiopia: Authorities must release French journalist Antoine Galindo

The IPI global network condemns the arrest and continued detention of French journalist Antoine Galindo over allegations of conspiracy with armed groups for conducting media interviews. We call on Ethiopian authorities to immediately and unconditionally release Galindo, and ensure journalists can undertake their work freely and safely.  Galindo, who works for the online news outlet […]

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Media capture in Croatia: how the State uses funding to control local media

On December 12, the Croatian weekly Nacional published recordings revealing that Jurica Lovrinčević, an advisor to the then Minister of Economy, had offered to award public money, via advertisements placed by state-owned companies and institutions, to local television Mreža TV, while requesting part of the sum be transferred back to him.  Following these revelations, both […]

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Carlos Dada to head IJ4EU jury

Carlos Dada, a trailblazer in watchdog journalism in Latin America, will serve as the jury chair of the flagship grant scheme of IPI’s Investigative Journalism for Europe (IJ4EU) fund. Dada, the winner of numerous awards for his work exposing corruption in one of the world’s most dangerous regions for journalists, co-founded and directs El Faro, […]

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