Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Analysis: Turkey’s judiciary and press freedom: Farewell to a fair trial

Freedom of press is one of the main requirements of a democratic society. As the public watchdog, the press greatly contributes to public debate and ensures accountability by imparting information about the actions and statements of those in power. Yet despite this crucial role, there is a rising trend of heavy interference in the freedom […]

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Věra Jourová: “EU underestimated the role of media in upholding democracy”

Last week was not a positive one for media freedom in European Union. On Tuesday, February 9, a court in Budapest approved the decision of the government-controlled Hungarian Media Council to block the automatic extension of the broadcast license for the country’s last independent radio station, Klubrádió, dealing a damaging blow to what remains of […]

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Slovenia: Government Communication Office must stop controlling COVID-19 news coverage

Slovenia’s Government Communication Office (UKOM) must stop denying public health officials and ministers clearance to give interviews with media and halt wider attempts to control news coverage during the pandemic, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. IPI, a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, also urged UKOM to […]

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IPI welcomes release of journalist Mahmoud Hussein in Egypt

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today welcomed the release of Al Jazeera journalist and IPI member Mahmoud Hussein from an Egyptian prison after more than four years. The Doha-based journalist had been held in Cairo’s notorious Tora prison after being arbitrarily detained […]

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