Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Serbia: Arsonists who targeted journalist must face justice

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined its partners in the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) in urging the Second Basic Court in Belgrade to ensure access to justice in the case of Serbian journalist Milan Jovanovic, who in 2018 was the victim of an arson attack on his house in Belgrade after investigating cases […]

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”Our work is to report in whatever situation”: Myanmar’s press finds new ways to do its job after coup

It’s been just over a week since the military seized power in Myanmar, reversing the country’s transition to democracy and posing a grave threat to press freedom. The impact is already being felt on the country’s media, including the multimedia news organization Mizzima, which has already changed its headquarters and moved its heavy broadcasting equipment […]

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Belarus: Call to European institutions over media crackdown

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined other members of an NGO coalition to call on the European Commission, the European Council, the Council of the European Union and the European Parliament to adopt new sanctions and recommendations for Belarus in response to its brutal crackdown on media freedom. —————————————————————— Ursula Von der Leyen, President of […]

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Leading independent radio station muzzled in Hungary

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed dismay over the decision by a court in Budapest to reject the appeal of independent radio broadcaster Klubrádió over its right to continue broadcasting, warning it signalled a crisis point for what remains of media pluralism in Hungary. On February 9, 2021, the court sided with the government-controlled […]

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