Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Death of Rwandan journalist John Williams Ntwali must be investigated

IPI, the global network of press freedom, calls for a thorough and independent investigation into the death of Rwandan journalist John Williams Ntwali, a well-known critic of the Rwandan government who was killed in what authorities have claimed was a traffic accident. Williams Ntwali, an editor of the privately owned newspaper The Chronicles and who […]

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IPI position on the European Media Freedom Act

The International Press Institute (IPI) today published its detailed position on the draft proposal for European Media Freedom Act (EMFA). IPI submitted its position on January 23, 2023, as part of the European Commission’s Public Consultation. Overall, IPI and our global network welcome the proposal for the EMFA as a crucial move to address serious […]

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Cameroon: Critical journalist Martinez Zogo found murdered

IPI, the global network for independent media, calls on authorities in Cameroon to swiftly investigate the horrific murder of journalist Martinez Zogo and ensure the culprits are brought to justice. Zogo, the director of Radio Amplitude, was kidnapped on January 17. His body was found four days later, on January 21. “’His body was found […]

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Mozambique: Journalist Rosario Cardoso assaulted 

The IPI global network is alarmed by reports that Mozambican journalist Rosario Cardoso was assaulted by local police on January 15. We call on authorities to conduct an independent and thorough investigation to determine the circumstances of this attack and ensure that all perpetrators are held fully accountable.  Cardoso was allegedly assaulted by police, who […]

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