Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Turkey: First journalist sentenced under new ‘disinformation’ law

The International Press Institute (IPI) condemns the conviction of Turkish journalist Sinan Aygül in connection with his reporting on sexual abuse allegations involving police officers. Aygül was the first journalist charged under Turkey’s new “disinformation law” passed by the Turkish parliament last October. On December 13, 2022, Aygül, who is the president of the Bitlis […]

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Italy: Prosecutor issues seizure order for article published by newspaper Domani

Italian press freedom is seriously threatened by yet another attempt by a member of the current government to silence independent journalism. The International Press Institute (IPI) today joins the undersigned media freedom and civil society organisations in condemning the decision of the Italian prosecutor to issue a seizure order for Domani’s investigative article, following a criminal […]

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IPI: Celebrating women leaders in media on International Women’s Day

To mark International Women’s Day on March 8, IPI is today celebrating the incredible women journalists in our global network who have dedicated their careers to digging out and telling important stories to their communities. Below we highlight some of the most inspiring and pioneering journalism being done around the world by women reporters, editors […]

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Egypt must drop case against Mada Masr journalists

The IPI global network condemns the Egyptian government’s decision to pursue criminal charges against Mada Masr journalists Rana Mamdouh, Sara Seif Eddin, and Beesan Kassab. Judicial authorities must dismiss the case and ensure Egyptian courts are not used to stifle press freedom and independent journalism.  The three journalists face charges of misusing social media and […]

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