Latest News and Monitoring from Local Media Case Studies

Support press freedom – Join IPI!

Happy holidays from the International Press Institute (IPI), headquartered in Vienna, Austria, but fighting diligently for press freedom around the world. We all know the importance of press freedom; in fact, many of us have sacrificed greatly in the fight for freedom of expression and a free press. This year alone there have been several […]

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Hunger strike journalists fired in Hungary

Two editors with Hungarian state television have been fired over their ongoing hunger strike in protest against government manipulation of news content. AP reported today that public broadcaster MTV fired Balazs Nagy Navarro and Aranka Szavuly after labelling their fast – which began on 10 December and during which they are consuming only liquids – […]

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Journalists jailed in Ethiopia, China

An Ethiopian court Tuesday sentenced two Swedish journalists to 11 years in prison for allegedly supporting terrorism while officials in China handed down a nine-year prison sentence for a dissident online journalist, news reports said. Johan Persson and Martin Schibbye were convicted in Ethiopia last week after being arrested in July in the Ogaden, a […]

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Turkish journalists’ trial moves forward

International Press Institute (IPI) World Press Freedom Hero Nedim Şener and nine other Turkish journalists accused in the Oda TV case of aiding a coup plot remained in custody yesterday as their trial moved forward. Lawyers for the defendants said they expected no ruling on requests for their clients’ release during trial until at least […]

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