Latest News and Monitoring from India

India: Two journalists killed in Muzaffarpur district in one month

The IPI global network is deeply alarmed by the recent killings of two journalists in Muzaffarpur, India, and calls on law enforcement to swiftly and thoroughly investigate both cases and ensure that all those responsible are held to account. Both journalists had reportedly received threats but did not receive assistance from the authorities. On July […]

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India: IPI calls for renewed commitment to press freedom

As Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi assumes his third term, the IPI global network calls on his administration to honour commitments to ruling with “true faith and allegiance to the constitution” by prioritizing freedom of the press and the safety of journalists.  Article 19(1)(a) of the Indian constitution guarantees the right “to freedom of speech […]

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India: Kashmir journalist rearrested just days after release

The International Press Institute (IPI) today expressed concern over the re-arrest of Kashmir journalist Aasif Sultan just two days after he was released from prison where he had been held for five years. Sultan, who previously worked as an assistant editor at the now-defunct Kashmir Narrator, was re-arrested under India’s anti-terror law. The latest detention […]

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Kashmir: IPI welcomes release of journalist Fahad Shah

The International Press Institute (IPI) welcomes the release this week of Kashmir journalist Fahad Shah after nearly two years in prison on terrorism charges. We call on authorities to drop all remaining charges against him and for an end to the repression of journalists in Kashmir. IPI also welcomes a court decision this month nullifying […]

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