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Polnischer Journalist bezeichnet Untersuchung seines Buches durch Militärgericht als „beängstigenden Präzedenzfall“

Read in English Das Leben des Investigativjournalisten Tomasz Piątek, Mitarbeiter der Zeitung „Gazeta Wyborcza“, änderte sich schlagartig, nachdem er im Juni ein Buch über den polnischen Verteidigungsminister und seine vermeintlichen Verbindungen zu dubiosen russischen Kreisen veröffentlicht hatte. In einem Interview mit dem International Press Institute (Internationales Presseinstitut, IPI) in Warschau diesen Monat sprach er über […]

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Polish journalist says military inquiry into book sets ‘frightening precedent’

Zur deutschen Version For investigative journalist Tomasz Piątek, life changed dramatically after he published a book in June on the Polish defence minister’s associates’ alleged network of questionable Russian contacts. In an interview in Warsaw this month with the International Press Institute (IPI), he spoke about the minister’s “absurd” criminal complaint against him – and […]

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Trial for Turkey journalists in energy minister email case

Six journalists and media employees in Turkey face trial today in Istanbul on accusations of spreading terrorist propaganda and revealing state secrets stemming from leftist hackers’ release of emails last year from a private account of the country’s energy minister, the son-in-law of President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. Three of the six – Tunca Öğreten, former […]

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Groups intervene in Cumhuriyet case before ECHR

Thirteen international free expression and media freedom defenders yesterday filed a brief with the European Court of Human Rights supporting a challenge by journalists and administrators from Turkey’s independent daily Cumhuriyet to their lengthy pre-trial detention on charges of allegedly supporting terrorists. ARTICLE 19, the Association of European Journalists (AEJ), the Committee to Protect Journalists […]

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