Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Future of press freedom in post-Mugabe Zimbabwe remains open

Three weeks after a military intervention ended the 37-year rule of autocratic former President Robert Mugabe, journalists and media experts in Zimbabwe say it is still too early to tell whether the political transition will ultimately herald a more open environment for the press. Under Mugabe, Zimbabwe was among the world’s most censored countries. The […]

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Q&A: Russian journalists facing ‘intolerable’ situation

Zur deutschen Version On Oct. 23, a man stabbed Russian radio host and Ekho Moskvy Deputy Editor-in-Chief Tatyana Felgenhauer in the throat at the radio station’s offices in central Moscow. Felgenhauer survived the attack, but only after spending the next few days in a medically induced coma. Authorities identified the attacker as a Russian-IsraeIi citizen […]

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Leading Polish daily weathers uncertain political and financial climate

Zur deutschen Version Amid the Polish government’s hostility towards critical journalism, financial pressure on critical press is mounting. This is particularly visible at Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland’s biggest broadsheet daily in terms of circulation. The paper has established itself as the leading critic of the right-wing Law and Justice (PiS) party, which has been in power […]

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Führende polnische Tageszeitung kämpft mit politischen und finanziellen Umständen im Land

Read in English Neben der ablehnenden Haltung der polnischen Regierung gegenüber dem kritischen Journalismus steigt der finanzielle Druck auf die kritische Presse. Dies kann speziell bei der Gazeta Wyborcza, der größten polnischen Broadsheet-Tageszeitung in Bezug auf Auflagenzahlen, beobachtet werden. Die Zeitung etabliert sich gegenwärtig als führende kritische Stimme gegenüber der rechtskonservativen Partei Recht und Gerechtigkeit […]

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