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IPI Yönetim Kurulu, Kurul üyesi Kadri Gürsel ve IPI üyeleri Murat Sabuncu ve Ahmet Şık ile dayanışma içinde

Read in English IPI Yönetim Kurulu üyeleri olarak, büyük bir endişe ve üzüntüyle gözlemlediğimiz Cumhuriyet davasının, uzun süren adli sürecin ardından geçtiğimiz Çarşamba günü IPI Yönetim Kurul üyemiz Kadri Gürsel, saygın üyelerimiz Murat Sabuncu ve Ahmet Şık, ve Cumhuriyet gazetesindeki diğer meslektaşlarımıza mahkumiyetle sonuçlanmasına şahit olduk. Geçtiğimiz 18 ayda, meslektaşlarımızın tutuklanmalarından bu yana, Cumhuriyet’in temsilcilerine […]

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International groups condemn Cumhuriyet verdict

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists, today joined a coalition of international press freedom organizations in condemning the prison sentences given to 14 journalists and staff members of Turkey’s secular Cumhuriyet newspaper. Those sentenced in the case include IPI Executive Board Member Kadri Gürsel as well […]

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South Korea court issues search warrant for TV Chosun newsroom

A court in South Korea yesterday issued a search warrant for the newsroom of TV Chosun in Seoul following efforts by a trainee working for TV Chosun to gather information about the recent opinion-rigging scandal reportedly involving members of the ruling Democratic Party as well as a party representative believed to be close to South […]

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Cumhuriyet journalists sentenced to prison

The International Press Institute (IPI) today condemned a court decision sentencing 14 journalists and staff members with Turkey’s secular daily Cumhuriyet newspaper to prison on charges of providing support to terrorist groups. Defendants received prison terms ranging from two to eight years, expected to be shortened due to time served. The journalists sentenced are also […]

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