Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Austria interior ministry aims to restrict access for ‘critical media’

Zur deutschen Version The Vienna-based International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, publishers and leading journalists dedicated to defending media freedom, today sharply criticized a proposal by the Austrian Interior Ministry to restrict information for “critical media”. In an email leaked to the press yesterday, a top ministry spokesman urged regional police spokespersons […]

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Österreich: Ministerium will Infos für ‘kritische Medien’ einschränken

Read in English Das International Press Institute (IPI) mit Sitz in Wien, ein weltweites Netzwerk von Redakteuren, Verlegern und führenden Journalisten zur Verteidigung der Medienfreiheit, kritisierte heute scharf den Vorschlag des österreichischen Innenministeriums (BMI), Informationen für “kritische Medien” einzuschränken. In einer E-Mail, die gestern der Presse zugespielt wurde, drängt der Ressortsprecher des Ministeriums die Kommunikationschefs […]

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Documentary: Digital Attacks on Female Journalists in Spain

The International Press Institute (IPI) has launched a short documentary film about online attacks and threats against female journalists in Spain. The documentary includes interviews with some of Spain’s most prominent female journalists, including: • Ana Pastor, host of the news programme El Objetivo on the broadcaster La Sexta • Pepa Bueno, host of the […]

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Mozambique’s brutal war on free speech

This article was originally published on September 14, 2018 in South Africa’s Mail&Guardian newspaper. It has been republished here with permission and in its original form. Last month, the Mozambican government announced plans to impose hefty new fees on foreign correspondents working in the country, including a staggering $2500 (€2,149) for single trip accreditation. These prohibitively expensive […]

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