Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

IPI condemns Belarus for cancelling accreditation of journalists

The International Press Institute (IPI), a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, today vehemently criticized Belarus for cancelling the accreditation of at least 17 journalists representing major global media outlets. The Belarusian government today withdrew the accreditation of journalists working for the Associated Press, AFP, German television network ARD, […]

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Belarusian journalists face prosecution and suppression as government tactics morph

Authorities in Belarus must immediately drop all charges against journalists detained during recent police crackdowns, stop cancelling accreditation for foreign journalists and immediately halt interference with state-owned publishing houses, the International Press Institute (IPI) said today. IPI, a global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists for press freedom, also joined other NGOs in […]

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Thorough investigation needed into former Maltese official’s threat to Italian journalist

The International Press Institute (IPI) joined a letter from the Media Freedom Rapid Response (MFRR) to Maltese and Italian authorities calling for robust, thorough and transparent investigation into alleged threats by former Maltese official against an Italian journalist. On June 27, Neville Gafà, a former person of trust in the Office of the Maltese Prime Minister, […]

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معهد الصحافة الدولي يدين توقيف حجاج ويدعو الإفراج الفوري

Read this in English. فينا- أدان معهد الصحافة الدولي وهي شبكة عالمية للمحررين ومدراء كبرى المؤسسات الإعلامية وكبار الصحفيين المدافعين عن حرية الصحافة، توقيف الصحافي الأردني – الفلسطيني عماد حجاج وطالبت بإطلاق سراحهالفوري. التوقيف جاء على خلفية نشر كاريكاتير لحجاج في صحيفة العربي الجديد، إذ تم توقيف حجاج في 26 آب الحالي من قبل الشرطة […]

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