Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Czech critical media denied access to online press conferences during Covid-19

The International Press Institute (IPI) today joined with its Czech National Committee to call on the government in Prague to redesign its system for online press conferences during Covid-19 to ensure critical media outlets are given fair access for questioning government representatives. In the letter, sent today to Tünde Bartha, who manages the Office of […]

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As pandemic grows, Slovak media struggle to fight the infodemic

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auf Deutsch Slovak mainstream media have stood at the forefront of public education about the dangers of the COVID-19 pandemic this year. With disinformation campaigns growing and pandemic getting worse, however, the media also face new challenges in their quest of protecting the truth. On September 27, a few weeks after the […]

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Während sich die Pandemie weiter zuspitzt, kämpfen slowakische Medien gegen die Infodemie

Read in English Die slowakischen Massenmedien standen in diesem Jahr bei der Aufklärung der Öffentlichkeit über die Gefahren der COVID-19-Pandemie an vorderster Front. Da die Desinformationskampagnen zunehmen und die Pandemie immer schlimmer wird, stehen die Medien jedoch auch vor neuen Herausforderungen bei ihrem Streben, die Wahrheit zu verteidigen. Am 27. September, wenige Wochen nachdem die […]

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Venezuelan journalists struggle to report critically amidst censorship and legal harassment

Versión en español Venezuela is in the midst of one of the modern world’s worst economic crises. Few can afford to remain in a country characterized by hyperinflation and severe food and fuel shortages.  As of May, at least 5.1 million Venezuelans, more than 10 percent of the country’s population, have emigrated. This plummeting of […]

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