Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Letter: Several newspapers closed before October parliamentary elections

H.E. Aleksandr Lukashenko President Office of the President Minsk Republic of Belarus Fax: +375 17 222 35 03 Vienna, 4 October 2004 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 120 countries, is deeply concerned about the closure of several newspapers before the October […]

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International organisations meet minister of information on draft press law

PRESS STATEMENT ON MEETING BETWEEN ETHIOPIAN MINISTER OF INFORMATION AND INTERNATIONAL MEDIA ORGANISATIONS ON THE DRAFT PRESS LAW At a meeting called by the Ministry of Information on 28 September 2004 in Addis Ababa, the International Press Institute, the World Press Freedom Committee, ARTICLE 19 and the Media Institute of Southern Africa discussed the draft […]

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Letter: Criminal charges brought against editor and publisher

H.E. Aleksander Kwasniewski President of the Republic of Poland Kancelaria Prezydenta RP ul. Wiejska 10 00-902 Warsaw Poland Fax: (+ 48 22) 695 12 53 Vienna, 28 September 2004 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors, media executives and leading journalists in over 120 countries, condemns the ongoing criminal court […]

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Prison sentence for Tempo editor unacceptable

The undersigned freedom of expression and press freedom organisations strongly condemn the decision of the Central Jakarta Court to sentence Bambang Harymurti, the editor of Tempo magazine, to a year’s imprisonment for defamation. We are united in our view that such a disproportionate sanction is a serious setback for freedom of expression, reversing gains made […]

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