Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Argentina’s Chamber of Deputies passes controversial broadcasting bill

The lower house of Argentina’s National Congress, the Chamber of Deputies, approved late on Wednesday a controversial telecommunications bill containing provisions that endanger media freedom in the country’s broadcasting sector. Argentina’s Senate must now vote on the bill. Legislators passed the draft “Audiovisual Communication Law”, ostensibly aimed at creating more media pluralism in the country by replacing […]

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PRESS FREEDOM UPDATE: Sri Lankan journalist appeals 20-year sentence

The lawyer of a Sri Lankan journalist sentenced at the end of August to 20 years in prison under anti-terror legislation for criticizing the Sri Lankan government’s attacks against the Tamil Tiger rebels filed an appeal on Tuesday. Tissainayagam has been imprisoned since March 2008. J. S. Tissainayagam, who ran the North Eastern Monthly magazine, and was […]

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Argentine government fast-tracking controversial media law

The executive arm of Argentina’s government is seeking to pass a telecommunications bill before the line-up of the country’s parliament changes in December. The draft law, containing media freedom-threatening provisions that would affect television and radio broadcasters, comes amid broader concern about increased government pressure on the media. The executive sent the draft “Audiovisual Communication […]

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In wake of deadly Uganda riots: journalist beaten and detained; four radio stations closed

In the wake of deadly riots last week in the Ugandan capital Kampala, sparked by the controversial visit of a traditional king, a radio journalist was beaten and arrested, according to a fellow Ugandan journalist. News reports said that the Uganda Broadcasting Council (UBC) also closed several radio stations and suspended radio and television journalists, […]

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