Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

IPI launches Italy press freedom report, following November mission

A delegation from the International Press Institute (IPI) traveled to Italy from 8-12 November to meet with key representatives of the Italian media, civil society and state institutions in order to investigate the various manners in which the Italian media system, the laws and practices regulating it and the current political environment affect the media’s […]

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Ukraine’s independent media continues battle against government censorship

Ukraine’s administrative supreme court met Tuesday in Kiev to examine the appeals of two independent television stations, TVi and 5 Kanal, against the removal of broadcast frequencies. Pressure has been applied on the two privately owned stations since President Yunukovych took office in February. Since his election, the government has been accused of attempting to […]

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Q&A: Dr. Gerfried Sperl, former editor-in-chief of Austria’s Der Standard

Zur deutschen Version IPI: IPI is the only press freedom organisation with a national committee structure. In January you will take over as head of the IPI Austria National Committee.  What are the advantages of this system, and what is the role that you see a revitalized Austrian committee playing – in Austria and around the […]

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Q&A mit Dr. Gerfried Sperl

Read in English In Jänner 2011 wird Dr Sperl den Post als neuer Vorsitzender des österreichischen IPI Komitees übernhemen. Dr. Sperl war bis 2007 Chefredakteur bei österreichischen Qualitätszeitung Der Standard.  IPI: IPI ist die einzige Pressefreiheitsorganisation mit Nationalkomitees. Ab Jänner werden Sie Vorsitzender des österreichischen IPI Komitees. Was sind die Vorteile dieses Systems, und welche […]

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