Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Führende Österreichische Zeitungen Schalten IPI /Reporter ohne Grenzen / Oesterreichische GPA Journalistengewerkschaft Inserat mit der Aufforderung an die Ungarische Regierung, das Neue Mediengesetz zurückzuziehen.

Führende österreichisch Zeitungen werden am Donnerstag ein IPI Austria Inserat schalten, in dem die ungarische Regierung aufgefordert wird , das kürzlich beschlossene Mediengesetz aufzuheben, das von EU Spitzenpolitikern, der OSZE, Journalisten und einer Reihe von Presse- und Meinungsfreiheitsorganisationen heftig kritisiert wird. Das vom IPI Austria Nationalkomitee, Reporter ohne Grenzen und der österreichischen GPA Journalistengewerkschaft unterzeichnete […]

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Haiti News Project Co-ordinator Joe Oglesby speaks to IPI a year after the earthquake

A former editorial page editor for the Miami Herald, Joe Oglesby is the coordinator of the Haiti News Project, an international programme which provides assistance to Haitian print journalists harshly hit by the earthquake, just one year ago. The project involves journalism organisations like the American Society of News Editors, the Inter American Press Association, […]

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Leading Austrian newspapers to carry IPI / RSF / Austrian GPA Journalists’ Union insert calling on Hungarian government to withdraw new media legislation

Leading Austrian newspapers are to carry on Thursday an IPI Austria insert calling on the Hungarian government to withdraw recently-passed media legislation heavily criticised by top EU politicians, the OSCE, journalists and a host of press freedom and freedom of expression groups. The insert – signed by the IPI Austria National Committee, Reporters without Borders […]

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Journalist Visar Duriqi allegedly threatened in Kosovo

The South and East Europe Media Organisation (SEEMO), a network of editors, media executives and leading journalists from South East Europe and an affiliate of the International Press Institute (IPI), strongly condemns the threat allegedly made by a local businessman against reporter Visar Duriqi, a correspondent for the daily newspaper Infopress in Pristina. According to Duriqi, on […]

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