Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

Syria must free imprisoned press freedom advocates; ensure their physical safety

IPI has joined nearly 20 other organizations in again calling for the release of Mazen Darwish and his colleagues from the Syrian Centre for Media & Freedom of Expression, one month after they were detained during a raid on their Damascus offices. The full text of the statement is below: The Syrian authorities must reveal […]

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IPI’s German National Committee issues statement on release of Nedim Şener

Lesen Sie diesen Artikel auf Deutsch The German National Committee of the International Press Institute (IPI) today issued a statement in which Dr. Carl-Eugen Eberle, the chairman of the committee and of IPI’s Executive Board, praised the release of Turkish journalist Nedim Şener from prison and noted the importance of international solidarity among journalists. The […]

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Türkischer Journalist Nedim Şener wieder frei

Read in English Der türkische Journalist Nedim Şener ist am 12. März 2012 aus dem Silivri Gefängnis in der Nähe von Istanbul freigekommen. Er war – zusammen mit weiteren Personen –  vor mehr als einem Jahr unter dem Vorwurf, Mitglied des Geheimbundes „Ergenekon“ zu sein, in Untersuchungshaft genommen worden. Gegenstand der Anklage gegen Şener und […]

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IPI holds press conference on Turkish journalist’s release from prison

One day after Turkish journalist Nedim Şener was freed from prison pending trial, IPI Executive Director Alison Bethel McKenzie travelled to Turkey to personally congratulate Şener, an IPI World Press Freedom Hero, and to express her support to the IPI Turkish National Committee and the Platform for Journalists, both of which had strongly campaigned for Şener’s […]

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