Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Outlook: Make subscriber retention part of your workflow

This text comes from IPI’s newsletter The Outlook. Click here to sign up to receive future editions direct to your inbox. Welcome to The Outlook, IPI’s media innovation newsletter which dissects the challenges facing news media, and sets out lessons we can learn from each other to overcome them. For news publishers, reaching people and […]

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Jordan: New cybercrime legislation a blow to press freedom

Despite widespread concerns by rights groups and experts, the Jordanian government is pushing ahead with a sweeping new cybercrime bill that criminalizes the publication of “false news” online and introduces a range of measures that can be abused by authorities to target journalists and critics. As the bill moves through parliament this week for approval, […]

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Botswana: Authorities must refrain from harassing journalists, uphold press freedom

The IPI global network reiterates its call on Botswana authorities to shore up protections for press freedom after two journalists were recently arbitrarily arrested and detained for several hours before being released. According to the Media Institute for Southern Africa (MISA) Botswana, on July 20, Ryder Gabathuse and Innocent Selatlhwa, who work with the privately […]

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IJ4EU Interview: ‘Migration management is a massive euphemism’

Few dispute that migration needs governing. But what happens when a little-known organisation working far from the glare of public scrutiny takes things too far? The Vienna-based International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) has operated since the early 1990s along the geographical fringes of the European Union. Its remit is “migration management”, which may […]

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