Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from COVID-19 CRISIS

Germany: journalist Ignacio Rosaslanda assaulted while covering a police operation

The undersigned international media freedom, free expression, and journalist organisations call on the German authorities to conduct a thorough investigation into the physical attack by Berlin police on Mexican video journalist Ignacio Rosaslanda while he was covering a police operation. The journalist who is working for the daily Berliner Zeitung, was not only prevented from […]

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Chad: IPI calls on President Mahamat Idriss Deby to open new chapter for media

On May 23, Mahamat Idriss Deby was sworn in as president of Chad following his victory in the May 6 elections. This moment marked the country’s formal return to constitutional rule after three years of transitional military government. The IPI global network uses this opportunity to call on the president to open a new chapter […]

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România: Anul super electoral impune o evaluare a libertății presei

O coaliție de organizații pentru libertatea presei va efectua o misiune la București în perioada 17-18 iunie 2024 pentru a evalua principalele provocări în contextul anului super electoral din România. Misiunea va aborda influența politică asupra mass-mediei, amenințările legale la adresa activității jurnaliștilor și a siguranței acestora. O conversație cu presa va încheia activitățile coaliției. […]

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Romania: super election year calls for press freedom assessment

A coalition of media freedom organizations will conduct a mission to Bucharest on 17-18 June 2024 to assess key challenges amid Romania’s super election year. The mission will address political influence on media, legal threats to journalists’ work and their safety, culminating in a conversation with the press. In Romania, European and local elections in […]

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