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Letter: Restrictions on Palestinian journalists

His Excellency Ehud Barak Prime Minister Kiryat Ben-Gurion 3 Kaplan St, P.O. Box 187 91919 Jerusalem Israel By Fax: 2 (00972-2) 513 950 Vienna, 2 November, 2000 Your Excellency The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives, strongly condemns the Israeli government’s decision to stop issuing permits for Palestinian journalists […]

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Three more newspapers banned in Iran

In a 24 October 2000 letter to Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei (below), IPI condemned the “temporary” bans on three weekly newspapers, increasing the total of recently banned publications in Iran to more than twenty. According to IPI’s sources, the weeklies “Sobh-e Omid” (Morning of Hope), “Mihan” (Homeland) and “Sepideh-e Zendegi” (Dawn of Life) were banned […]

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Letter: Sri Lanka journalist murdered

H.E. Chandrika Bandaranaike Kumaratunga President Presidential Secretarial Secretarial Building Colombo, 01 Sri Lanka Vienna, 20 October 2000 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute (IPI), the global network of editors and media executives, condemns in the strongest possible terms the murder of a Sri Lankan journalist. According to our sources, on 19 October, Mailvaganam Nimalaranjan died […]

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Letter: Stiff fine imposed on Ethiopia journalist

His Excellency Meles Zenawi Prime Minister Office of the Prime Minister P.O. Box 1031 Addis Ababa Ethiopia Vienna, 18 October 2000 Your Excellency, The International Press Institute, the global network of editors and media executives, strongly condemns the fine imposed on journalist Taye Belachew by the Federal High Court of Ethiopia. According to information provided […]

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