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Video on whistleblower website shows US attack that killed two Iraqi Reuters staffers

Following the release of a video by Swedish whistleblower website Wikileaks showing the indiscriminate shooting of civilians, including two Reuters journalists, by US Army helicopters, IPI calls on the US government to investigate the actions of the army personnel involved. The video, which was released on Youtube and the Wikileaks website on Tuesday, involves footage filmed from an Apache helicopter, and […]

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Seven years on, no sign of justice for Cuba’s jailed journalists

Today marks the seventh anniversary of the sentencing of Cuban journalist Omar Rodriguez Saludes to 27 years in prison, the longest sentence handed down to any of the journalists charged during Cuba’s notorious 2003 ‘Black Spring’ crackdown against the media. More than 29 journalists were arrested in the roundups that began on 18 March 2003, […]

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Turkey sentences former editor of Kurdish newspaper to three years in prison

Vedat Kurşun, former editor of the Kurdish daily, Azadiya Welat was on Wednesday sentenced by a Turkish court to three years in prison in connection with two articles deemed to have spread propaganda for the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party, PKK – which is considered a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the European Union, the United States […]

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Kidnapped Somali journalist freed after five days

A Somali radio journalist kidnapped in Mogadishu on 27 March was freed on Thursday. Radio journalist Abdul Karim Mohamed Hersi was freed last night by the Islamist insurgent group Al Shabab, according to National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) Coordinator Mohamed Ibrahim. Hersi, a reporter with Mogadishu-based Radio Holy Koran, had been taken from the […]

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