Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from COVID-19 CRISIS

Sri Lankan leader pardons Tamil editor

A Tamil editor who had criticised the Sri Lankan government’s military action against Tamil Tiger rebels and was sentenced to 20 years in prison last year on ‘supporting terrorism’ and ‘inciting communal disharmony’ charges, was pardoned this morning by Sri Lanka’s president, Mahinda Rajapaksa. J.S. Tissainayagam, who was the editor of North Eastern Monthly magazine […]

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Why information wants to be free

IPI Director David Dadge is speaking today at an event in Oviedo, Spain, hosted by the Press Association of Asturias in recognition of World Press Freedom Day and the Association’s 100th anniversary. The group consists of 300 journalists from the region of Asturias. Mr. Dadge’s speech, entitled “Why Information wants to be Free” is reproduced below. Ladies […]

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Mexican journalist Lydia Cacho named IPI Press Freedom Hero

Mexican journalist and human rights defender Lydia Cacho Ribeiro was declared today an IPI World Press Freedom Hero, in recognition of her years-long contribution to highlighting the importance of press freedom and investigative journalism in the defence of justice and human rights. Lydia Cacho has become famous for her reports on domestic violence, child prostitution, […]

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IPI Joins TMG in welcoming release of journalist Ben Brik but condemns policy of punishing critical journalists

While members of the Tunisia Monitoring Group (TMG) welcome Taoufik Ben Brik’s release from prison today, the press freedom coalition condemns the charges against journalist Fahem Boukadous as a political manoeuvre whose true aim is to silence criticism of Tunisian authorities. The TMG is a group of over twenty organisations who belong to the International […]

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