Latest News and Monitoring,From Our Network from COVID-19 CRISIS

Three of four kidnapped Mexican journalists freed; one still missing

Three of four Mexican journalists kidnapped last week have been released, according to news reports. Mexican police raided a drug gang safe house before dawn on Saturday, freeing Javier Canales, a cameraman at Laguna Multimedia, and national television network Televisa cameraman Alejandro Hernandez. Televisa reporter Hector Gordoa was freed on Thursday following negotiations with his […]

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New OSCE representative on Freedom of the Media releases first regular report

New OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media Dunja Mijatovic on Thursday released her first regular report to the OSCE Permanent Council, noting that in many OSCE member countries media freedom remains under threat. In opening remarks, Mijatovic highlighted the threats posed by criminal defamation and tight Internet control, as well as the cases of […]

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Four kidnapped Mexican journalists still being held

Four Mexican journalists abducted on Monday afternoon in the city of Gómez Palacio remain in the custody of a group of gunmen, according to news reports on Thursday. Gómez Palacio is located in the northern state of Durango, a region wracked by a brutal turf war between the Zetas and Sinaloa drug cartels. The four […]

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Hollman Morris granted US visa following pressure from IPI and other international organizations

The U.S State Department has reversed its decision to deny a visa to noted independent Colombian journalist Hollman Morris. Morris will now be able to travel to Harvard University to take up a year-long Nieman Foundation fellowship. The journalist, who is well-known as a vocal critic of Columbia’s outgoing president Alvaro Uribe and his administration, […]

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